Thursday, April 8, 2010

Expecting ~ A Photo Shoot ~

I've always thought that was kind of a weird way to say that someone is pregnant...she's expecting.  But the more I think about it, it fits.  When you are pregnant you have so many expectations for the future.  Mostly involving the immediate future, like what the labor will be like and who the baby will look like.  Then there are the more broad expectations, like what kind of mother you will be and what type of person your baby will grow up to become.  My cousin is in the midst of all of these wonderful and scary and life altering expectations.  It has been such a joy for me to see her experience the beauty of pregnancy especially knowing some of the trying times she has faced getting to this point.  But they will all be worth it in about four short (or long in her case) weeks.  I'm so glad I was able to capture some of that pregnancy glow.  I really have never seen her happier and this is just the tip of the iceburg.  I can't wait to see the joy on her face when she is holding her baby girl in her arms.  Here are some shots of our photo shoot the other day.  I don't have a studio, but it's amazing what you can with a small space and some great light from a window!

I am totally in love with this shot and this was supposed to just be a test shot where I was testing the light and camera settings.  I just love her hands, they look so relaxed and her belly is just so perfect!

Another her hair, the pop of red and again with the perfect belly!  Why didn't my belly look this cute?  I'm chalking it up to the fact that I am extremely short.

See what I mean about that pregnancy glow?   And I'm loving the way her eyes pop against my green living room wall.

We went outside for a few fun poses as well.  Guess the name's not a secret anymore!  Just kidding, they already told everyone.  And her middle name is the same as mine, so I'm just pretending they're naming her after me.

Love the way the wind is blowing her hair here.  And she barely even looks pregnant in this one.

She has a thing for rubber's her nursery theme.  Isn't this perfect?!

Hope you enjoyed browsing these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.  I'm pretty much ready to open up shop here soon with my business so let me know if you are interested in getting on my calendar!

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