Monday, August 27, 2012

1st Day of School!

I feel like everyone already knows, but in case you missed it, we are doing the Ohio Virtual Academy this year for school.  The kids have been excited for weeks, ever since we got their computers.  Today was our first day and we treated it just like every other year and got up and put on a special outfit for the occasion.  Then instead of getting on the bus, we went to our school room and got started.  :)  It was actually really nice.  There were a few computer glitches (on the school's end) which I'm told are normal.  We got pretty much done though.  The kids loved it.  I mean it, they really thought it was awesome that could choose which subject they wanted to do first.  My girl picked cursive handwriting.  My boy picked math.  I think we are off to a really great start!  Here are some photos I took of them this morning.

I cannot believe she is in 3rd grade!  She looks so grown up! 

My first grader!  Looking grown up as well, especially since his free JC Penney haircut which they botched (I said leave the top long...).  Oh will grow!

I love this one!  She picked her outfit out of a few suggestions I made.  She liked how 'stylish' this one is. :)

My big kids.  I'm so happy to be their teacher.

I have the cutest students ever!

I did this this collage last year, so I'm going to add to it every year.  Wow!  I cannot believe how much she's changed!

Closeup version.  I love how her teeth are different every year.

Had to do the same thing with my son.  I don't think he's changed as much except for getting taller.  He hasn't lost any teeth yet.  I can't believe how different my kids are in that respect...I mean look at my daughter's first grade picture!

Close up versions of him too.

I hope the kids love it as much the last day of school as the first.  And I hope I do too!  Here's to a great school year!


  1. Love these "first day" pics, Shawna! And those collages...they will be so glad to have those someday! Hope homeschooling is off to a good start for you. We started last week and it's going rather smoothly so far. We're doing CC and it starts Tuesday. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

  2. Her legs are fantastic, they get the pecker throbbing rock hard.

  3. How many loads of cum would you like to swallow? Oh, three fingers. Sorry, didn't see you holding them up. Was staring at your sexy legs.

  4. yes. i'd love to lift that skirt up, pull her panties to one side

  5. 016B6


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